Tuesday, October 25, 2011

American Revolution part duex

» The second American revolution has begun Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! http://www.infowars.com/the-second-american-revolution-has-begun-2/

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

What do you like about pain? Emotional, physical, whatever... pain. You might have to dig deep for this one.

Pain allows you to feel alive

You can't handle the truth

Do you have any pets?

A pet cocker-spaniel

You can't handle the truth

Do you keep a journal, or diary? If so, how often do you write in it?

Yeah, it's called Twitter follow me

You can't handle the truth

Best song ever ?

Black & Gold by Sam Sparro

You can't handle the truth

Where would u like to live ?

On Atlantis or my own island

You can't handle the truth

Do u wanna be a star ?

One day

You can't handle the truth

would you like to be famous ?

At times, but I would like to avoid infamy

You can't handle the truth

your favourite actor or actress ?

I support all Will Smith films

You can't handle the truth

What do you like about yourself?

My comprehension and leadership skills

You can't handle the truth

What languages ​​do you can speak ?

English, but I'd love to one day be a polyglot

You can't handle the truth

which is the current show that u watch ? ;)

I love True Blood

You can't handle the truth